


Cannot delete colonies

ShaneCourtrille opened this issue · 8 comments


Minecolonies version


Expected behavior

Typing "/mc colony delete 1" should delete the colony

Actual behaviour

Receive the error "missing required parameter colony"


Need to be : mc colony delete colony: 1


That's what I was talking about, only our mod uses this command system


@Nightenom that’s correct, that’s because our command system is MUCH more advanced than most other systems


The problem we have is this:

We had two choices:
=Either we limit the commands strongly:

  • Meaning each command only works with 1 parameter.
    (Example, get colonist by id and not by name or id, and get colony by id and not by ownername or id)
    =Or we implement a system which works with auto complete and allows us to use any parameters in any order. Since minecrafts auto complete didn't work really well we decided for the latter.

Now with the 1.13 command rewrite coming close we will probably have to rewrite all of this anyway. Let's hope their support is better.


Note also that you're using the old mc command system.

The new system is much more user friendly once you realize that tab can be used to complete the command.


commands list

/mc colony

sub commands list

/mc colony delete

list of parameters required and optional for the delete command

/mc colony delete colony:

list of colonies you can delete

/mc colony delete colony: 1

remaining list of parameters required and optional for the delete command

Once you realize that tab is your friend, you should find the new system much easier.


I have to agree with Shane here, all we want as users is /mc colony 1 delete, or even better... /mc colony playername delete then we let the computer do its job in finding who owns the colony and save the admin from having to do mundane work.. The current syntax is very unfriendly to users. Colony Colony: is redundant.

When you re-write the command syntax please take this into consideration.

Would be nice if players could dissolve their own colony as well, and not require admin intervention.


Have you tried /mc colony delete confirmDelete: true? You might also need canDestroy: true. I can't remember the exact syntax and I'm not near the source code or game.

I suspect that colony: is optional and will default your current colony.