


Show 5 remaining barb locations

Raycoms opened this issue ยท 8 comments


If only 5 barbarians are left, we could display their positions in the Barracks so the player can find them and kill them.

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And maybe we can show their position without coordinates (Like: 58 metres on the south-west).

That way we can make our chat cleaner.


Thinking about it, how about we show 1 remaining on level 1, 2 on level 2, etc.

(Relative position as for example the field distance calc in the fields)


I've been digging at this code recently. At present, the message is built and then passed to the town to be distributed to whoever has permissions to see messages. We would need to retrieve that list and build a multipart translated string, which I think is doable?


The list exists all over the colony, we would have to sync it with the client side (view) and then display it in the GUI


@Asherslab spam as in chat spam? raider spawn spam? Sure I can look into it!


@Shanseala technically chat spam.
But caused by the way we detect whether there's any raiders left to kill. if the raiders become unloaded (chunk or otherwise) the chat says they've been defeated, when they become loaded, then unloaded again (player moving around) it sends the message again. becomes spammy very quick


Currently (finally) working on wrapping this up, I have the data synced to the client view, just need to work on the display. Hope to have it done soon!


@Shanseala currently we have issues where there is spam because the raiders are in unloaded chunks.
Is there any chance you can look into fixing this issue?