


Citizen Mourn -

bob0bob opened this issue ยท 0 comments


This is an enhancement to citizen when a death of another citizen in the colony happen.

When a citizen dies for any reason (not a guard), regular citizen, a chat message will go out letting the player no that tomorrow the colony will mourn the loss of their citizen. This event will happen for the entire day.
NO citizens, other than guards, will do anything. They will all be idle. They will hang around the town hall for the entire day like they are mourning the loss of another citizen. At the end of the day the game will go back to normal mode and people will work.

Each time a citizen dies, this even will be triggered. Hope this helps people killing off their citizen to get a better skilled on.

In the new happiness system, any dies will effect the overall happiness of the colony for 20 days. Between these two events, this will make the player except every citizen for who they are.