


[1.10.2-0.4.1704] Interface won't open.

mainframecn opened this issue · 20 comments


Minecolonies version

version 1.10.2-0.4.1704

Expected behavior

  • Building/hut/citizen inventory/interface should open.

Actual behaviour

  • It won't open. (Placing a tinkers construct crafting table next to an inventory lets me access inventory.)
    Unclear when it stops working, starting out it works after some time it just won't be accessible anymore. Restarts don't seems to solve the issue.

Are you an officer in that colony?

2016-11-12 9:49 GMT-02:00 mainframecn [email protected]:

Minecolonies version

version 1.10.2-0.4.1704
Expected behavior

  • Building/hut/citizen inventory/interface should open.

Actual behaviour

  • It won't open. (Placing a tinkers construct crafting table next to
    an inventory lets me access inventory.)
    Unclear when it stops working, starting out it works after some time
    it just won't be accessible anymore. Restarts don't seems to solve the

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Ah, excuse me. Should have included that info. It's a single player world and i'm the owner.
Also i just noticed the update to 0.4.1711, but this didn't fix it.


My log is filled with errors like these:

[Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR] [minecolonies/]: Colony view does not exist for ID #1


Ah due to the update some of the older version seemed to start have
problems due to the additional permissions.
We're also still debugging this.
To fix that you'd unfortunately would have to reset your colony and start
new (Also possible in the same world at the same spot)

2016-11-12 9:58 GMT-02:00 mainframecn [email protected]:

Ah, excuse me. Should have included that info. It's a single player world
and i'm the owner.
Also i just noticed the update to 0.4.1711, but this didn't fix it.

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I'm not sure how to reset the colony properly. Breaking the core blocks of the buildings doesn't seem to help.
Perhaps it's better to wait until you fix the issue. This wasn't the first time it happened.


It's a command it's "/mc colony delete 1"

2016-11-12 10:05 GMT-02:00 mainframecn [email protected]:

I'm not sure how to reset the colony properly. Breaking the core blocks of
the buildings doesn't seem to help.

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I think your problem is a different one.
I guess due to some strange minecraft bugs your colony got deleted.
Restarting didn't resolve the problem?


I seem to be having this problem as well. I'm playing on a local server and I'm the only player.
I created a colony and construction work was underway on my town hall. My client got the vanilla "stuck in bed" bug and I had to kill and restart the client. After reconnecting to the server, I cannot interact with any of the MC NPCs nor the Builder & TownHall blocks.

However, my builder is happily working away if I drop the materials at her feet. She completed the work as I was typing this and I got the town hall achievement. That didn't help.

/mc colonies list shows my colony and ownership as expected.

Restarting the server... does help. I was able to interact with the builder block and kick off an upgrade. I did not restart my client again so the problem must be due to the server task getting upset because it lost communication with the client.

minecraft 1.10.2
minecolonies 1.10.2-0.4.1784
forge 2122
Full mod list: http://pastebin.com/m3K6ck9M


The client crashed but not the server.
After restarting the client, I had the problem.
Restarting the server fixed the problem.
If the corruption was client-side, something about restarting the server fixed it. Which seems a little odd.

I'm not an experienced programmer (I can't even figure out how to make forgegradle work!) but my guess would be that a message between client and server went missing in the crash, and the server got stuck in a state where it was waiting for a particular message from the client. Because the client had crashed, it didn't know that it needed to send the message.

No point me speculating any further. You know how it works, I don't :-)



Will have to keep looking. It seems like sometimes the minecolonies.nbt file gets into problems while restarting crashing etc. Probably won't be able to do anything against that or improving it (could write it into three files and proof them etc, but that would be a bit too much overhead for the amount of times it actually happens.)


it happens to me continuously, so "amount of times it actually happens" seems to need reassessment.


the longer the server is up, the more likely the colony is to derp itself and require a restart


right now it gets a classcast exception cannot be cast to entityplayer


could you possibly include a way of acessing the function that can be run from the server command line input? (perhaps to refresh all colonies, or colonies for specific player, or a specific colony id?)


I ran into this issue tonight, I succesfully regained access to my buildings by typing
/mc colony refresh
Thanks @Raycoms

Edit: Aaaaand I just realized this issue was closed. Sorry, I am a GitHub noob


Glad it worked =)


sorry I haven't supplied a log yet. I haven't been on when the errors have happened, i've only heard about it after the fact.