


Library - automatic hiring mode

Nightenom opened this issue · 7 comments


From discord:

fake dreams:
plz can you make auto hire to jobs to work like if no work go to library .. if new build create take 1 from library automatic to work

I.e. use the library as a stack for workers, if a new job gets created take a citizen from library instead of unemployed list


Because of that desicion, library essentialy breacks auto-hiring mode for colony, since it can host a large amount of colonists. Because of the raid I once lost a deliveryman, cook and a farmer, and instead of taking normal worker's place or guard's towers, all new citizens were filling library, town were paralyzed and defenceless untill I came back and discovered this.

At least disable auto-hiring ctitzens in to library.


As of now this is impossible by design. The library is not ment to be used in this fassion neither is the Automatic assigning of jobs. The library is a later stage building, as such any player should already be manually assigning citizens to jobs anyway, and the building can then be used to train useless citizen before they are assigned a job.

It requires some planning ahead of time which citizen should visit the library and which should not.

I can see the appeal for it to automatically grab all citizens, the problem is that the auto assigning mechanism does not autofire. Meaning once assigned to the library by the system, there is no way for it to hand the citizen off to a building were the worker is needed. This would confuse a lot of people, hence the decision was made to keep the library in manual mode.


Yeah, that makes sense, but there will be lazy ppl and it will be something like: Colony.has(library) && !manualHiring -> remove one worker from the library and assign it to the new building, and assign one unemployed to fill the library


Also now in automatic mode library works as a bin since you can't do anything with it


Or just disable automatic hiring for the library and try to explain the system in wiki/guidebook