


Happiness on citizen death

Rosomah opened this issue · 16 comments


Minecolonies version


Expected behavior

  • When a citizen dies by suffocating in a wall (natural causes), the happiness should drop only by 1.

Actual behaviour

  • When a citizen dies of natural causes, the happiness drops to 1.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Does it not count as natural causes if I'm the one to drop sand on their head, making them suffocate? Or if I put lava on the ground and they burn?

I have 2 guys with skills at lvl 1 and the library isn't doing anything so I'd really like to get rid of them.


Library is really slow building, it's a way to level up skills of your citizens so it needs to slow.
If you have higher happiness new spawned citizens will have higher skill stats


Is there a way to kill the citizens without the happiness dropping to 1?


There is no reason to kill a citizen anymore.


The library is too slooooooooooow. :D


I had a citizen in there for 3 days and nothing increased...


The individual happiness is at 8, so it should increase.
How long does it take and is it possible to choose which skills to increase?


@Raycoms this doesn't sound like a bug to me. If anything people are a faster way to get better citizen and I'm not such if that is something that is needed.


Ok, but what happens if a citizen dies of actual natural causes, like suffocating in a wall or falling of a cliff? That shouldn't drop the happiness to 1 should it?


OK, I get that.
I'll repeat the last question and then I'm done. :)
What happens if a citizen dies of actual natural causes, like suffocating in a wall or falling of a cliff or if a barbarian kills him/her? That shouldn't drop the happiness to 1 should it?


The death of 1 citizen will not result in your town happiness to level 1.


I don't know, it's weird... Does it count as natural cause if I put lava on the floor and he burns to death?
It's also strange cause when he dies, the happiness drops to 0, but the next day, the happiness is all the way back to 10 again.


Death of a citizen will cause the happiness to fall for a period of time. The amount it falls depends on if they are a guard or not. It is an accumulative effect for a period of time up to a max. So you you have 5 citizen die with in 20 MC days then that would explain your low value. Each citizen matters to the colony and they mourn the loss for a period of time, over time that happiness modifier is reduce until it gets to 0 and then no reduction for happiness towards the colony.

you can see your happiness for the town hall from that last tab, it will have a red/yellow/green indicator what is happening.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the detailed info. The info on the wiki page is a bit different, that's why I didn't understand what's happening.

Best regards.


Yes. When the new wiki is release, it will reflect the new happiness. It was completely rewritten not to long ago.