


Manage Worker button broken

G1R-Productions opened this issue · 8 comments


Version: 10.1 release

Expected behavior

Click manage workers button and new UI page should open.

Actual behaviour

Click manage workers button and nothing happens

Steps to reproduce the problem

Might be a one time weird glitch:
Spammed hire/fire button and possibly the manage workers button.
Now the manage workers button doesn't work on any colonist buildings.
Restarting server/game does nothing to fix it.


There was a functionality of closing the manage worker window after hiring and firing, I disabled that because it is annoying when managing the library. @Raycoms was there a reason for that so I should add it back?


Spammed hire/fire button and possibly the manage workers button.

Not sure, but I think it may crash cause of spamming hire/fire really quickly


I do not have a log of it sadly.


Have you tried running the reset command? /mc rs reset colony: 1
Obviously, replace the 1 with your colony's ID


I did that that and it didn't work. I did find a solution though. If I went back to the tow hall and switched it back to automatic hiring and then back to manual I was able to open the manage workers page. Though I wouldn't call this an ideal solution since it doesn't explain the initial bug.

I'll let one of the devs decide if this is resolved or not.


Closed until reproducing is possible or log is given. I tried to reproduce it but it was not possible.