Server crash, library students
GanthorPrime opened this issue · 5 comments
Server crash during day. maybe related to library, the builder is upgrading it.
Description: Ticking entity
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.item.Item.func_190903_i()Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;
notice this crash happens on the students citizens entity tick (diferrent students on each crash)
Not sure what is happening here, but i set the server to night (citizens goes to sleep), login, and fire all the students on the library. If i hire again, server crash again (at the start of day).
before that, i tried /mc colony rs, /mc colony refresh, remove the offending colony.dat from the minecolonies server (this one was very annoying, beceause it regenerates the colony file on the next server restart - stop, no matter what i do: move the backups to other place, restart the server, clear the java cache lol)
As a side note, im not sure of the library functionality: i have long time students in there and their level is always 0. ¿maybe they are upgrading their stats and not their level?
Just upgrade all to that specific forge version, and it crash again, same exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on the students.
wow, i completely forgot how old my forge version was. I will try to upgrade to latest and test again / post my results. thanks.
We found the issue @someaddons will fix it =)