


Farmer not properly working

tomorrow4268 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Minecolonies version

version X.X.1784

Expected behavior

  • when farming would replant seeds

Actual behaviour

  • when harvesting, the field is harvested, but the farmlandblock is replaced by dirt/grass
  • farmers won't use hoe to regenerate it to farmland

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. came after i uploaded that version

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2016-11-28_00 00 47
seems like they are only using the hoe on the inner circle around the center
the building is level 4 so doesn't make sense


in fact they aren't using hoes anymore ;D

and planting is reduced.


I think I am seeing some related shenanigans on my server, too.

In my game, they till their fill, plant it, and then run back and forth from their barn to the field, harvesting as wheat matures. They do not replant until the very last plant (wheat in mine) has matured and been harvested. They are replacing mature plants with a dirt block, untilled.

I understand why you do the untilled block (to have some kind of cost in materials for the hoe) but the behavior of waiting for the WORST OUTLIER plant growth is frustrating.

They also are not obeying the solid/water/airblock field boundaries that the wiki claims.


same here. running back and fourth, with an annoying clap fron the fence every time. Also not using the 5 stacks of bonemeal which I farmed grrr ๐Ÿ˜บ

2017-01-14_19 36 25


I want to add to this issue, that I do not only expect the farmer to replant the crops (which they do after harvesting the entire field)

But also that they leave the farmland intact during harvesting, instead of destroying it and turning it into dirt.


Can confirm this is still an issue, and has been for me since 0.6. My farmers will till and plant one to five blocks and then ... stop. They will constantly walk back and forth between the field and the farmer's chest but not actually take seeds or do anything else even if they have a hoe and seeds in their inventory.


All done.