


suggestion ai path markers

shivachirr opened this issue · 7 comments


so what im thinking is make path markers that the ai would prefer to get to destination. i feel this would help with ai load along with allow a bit more control what path the colonist use to get to a point. and stop them from cutting through buildings and hopping on stuff. so im thinking something like a torch or flag that marks a ai path point and maybe some kinda of way to link 2 points together.

main reason im suggesting this i hate the fact the my colonist walk through every building and strange place to just to get to a point. or even do a very weird path to get to something when its quicker just to walk to it.


Good idea, we called them "Waypoints" and your builder builds them for free and register them with the colony. In the decoration/infrastructure folder =) when you have infrastructure selected it will render them in the world.


really did not know that was a thing


suggest putting some info on the wiki when you guys get a chance about this


@Wissi where did the page for this go? I can't find it anymore


also one more question is there a tool to see the way points beuacse the only way i can see them is if i have to be using the builder tool and place once down but not confirm building it
