


Guards never able to wear Iron or Diamond armor

bjfranks opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecolonies version

Version: 1.12.2-0.10.202-RELEASE
1.12.2-0.10.234-ALPHA similar

Expected behavior

At some point of upgrade for a GuardTower or BarracksTower, Knight or Rangers could wear iron armor, or perhaps even diamond armor.

Actual behaviour

Until level 4 minimum armor: leather maximum armor:chain, at level 5 minimum armor:gold maximum armor:chain

Unable to make Guards wear Iron armor in any configuration, basically no reason to upgrade tower to level 5

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Build Builders Hut Level 5
  2. Build GuardTower Level 5
  3. Remove requests from GuardTower
  4. Recheck requests from GuardTower

Armour depends on both tower level AND guard level. There's a chart on the wiki
They need to be minimum level 5, with a minimum level 3 tower to wear iron armour.


If you are still unable to get them using a better armor please reopen


I can confirm part of this report

From my experience and testing: guards can use diamond armor, at least in lvl 5 tower, when they reach lvl 15.

The problem i can confirm is with the enchanted pieces. It seems that the level / ammount of the enchants can stop a guard from using some armor. As for diammond, in some scenarios, you can only provide unenchanted diammond armor, and in other sceenarios, you can provide any enchant.

With that said, i never found an scenario where you can provide enchanted iron armor. even in an lvl 5 tower, you cant provide enchanted iron armor to the guard no matters is lvl, the lvl of the enchant or the ammount (tested guards bellow lvl 30 in a lvl 5 tower to match table ). This is not a problem with iron swords so there must be a bug for the iron armor.