


Moving the colony causes problems

kreezxil opened this issue · 3 comments


initial post:https://github.com/kreezxil/World-of-Dragons/issues/110

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Went to move my colony from minecolonies and it said i needed to abandon or delete my colony upon deletion i can not place a town hall. this is stopping me from claiming and protecting my items.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. start a colony
  2. build it up a bit
  3. remove townhall block
  4. place in new area
  5. click delete colony
  6. try placing townhall block after a while
  7. townhall block placed and puff gone
  8. relog and like magic its back in inventory


Minecraft: 1.12
Mod Pack: World of dragons V:14.38.170
Mod Name: minecolonies
Mod Version: 1.12.2-0.10.236-ALPHA

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The player decided to move their colony and didn't check any documentation on how to do it. Honestly why should they? Harvested their townhall block and placed it in a new location outside the colony borders. The block appears to place and then vanishes.

Things to consider when evaluating:

  • they did not know about the new mechanic where you craft a townhall block and then place that outside the colony borders to establish a new colony
  • instead they naturally assumed that picking up the townhall block and placing it down somewhere else would change the colony to a new location
  • it's probably time to change the code that sets the colony center from the first time to any time the townhall block is placed
  • and probably shouldn't have to require making a new townhall block to move the colony, however or maybe a corollary have the townhall block once placed become unmineable like bedrock and that when an attempt is made to harvest it, a message appears telling the player the proper way to move the colony is to make a new townhall block and place it outside the colony.

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