


Children Won't Grow Up

hotluck opened this issue ยท 19 comments


Minecolonies version

Version: 259 Release

Expected behavior

Children to grow up and become workers.

Actual behaviour

I am hoping this is just a setup I am missing. I keep creating more citizen huts and every time I do, I get a child. That would be fine but I have now have 3 children who won't grow up. The first one has been there for at least 70 minecraft days. I even changed the config file to speed the growth rate, but no change. They aren't starving or anything. Am I doing something wrong? I can't increase my colony without more workers! Please help because I am loving the improvements you keep making to this mod and I don't like playing the game without it :)

Steps to reproduce the problem

I couldn't tell you what steps i took because it wasn't until the third child had arrived that I noticed the first 2 were still children.


what did you set the config value to?


It was 1 but a few hours after I realised the problem I read about the config parameter and changed it to 5 before restarting the game. It has been 5 ever since.


green = xp (obviously 0), purple = happiness. see wiki for more info

Thanks for that. I had looked in the wiki before asking but couldn't find that info.



They aren't starving or anything.


Kids only grow up when they are not hungry, did you check for that?


Weird, can you update to the latest alpha and double check?


Okay, I will try that now :)


Sadly that didn't fix it...still have 3 children. One question - what are the stat bars on each citizen. I know the first is health and the second is food, but what are the green and purple ones? The green one is 0 on all the children.


green = xp (obviously 0), purple = happiness. see wiki for more info


@someaddons can you take a look at this?


Any luck with this?


I will try it out when I wake up in the morning (if my kids let me on the pc lol) :)


perfect :)


I want to hug you. Whatever you did to the code has fixed it. They've all started growing up. I can play my world again. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜


I'm having this same issue and the link doesn't work anymore. I have to end up killing the children after several days and just recruiting new citizens but it's getting expensive. Anyone know why they won't grow up?


Are you on the latest alpha CameraCow?


I'm using the mod pack version through twitch, I believe it is the latest one, but I could be wrong


keep them fed and they'll grow after a while, takes some patience