


Cook is not cooking

hotluck opened this issue · 6 comments


Version: 0.10.310-ALPHA

Recipe is learnt for bread. When there is barley in the chest, the cook should start making bread.

When I first set up this recipe, the cook did start making bread. Now she does nothing. There is fuel in the furnace (not that she needs it to make bread), and there are stacks of barley in the chest. The recipe is definitely still there, and I have tried removing the recipe and re-learning it, but she just stands there and does nothing. She isn't requesting anything either. I have also tried recalling her. The version of bread I am using is using barley from the Natura mod.


Are any citizens requesting food to eat? That is to say are there any citizens that have gone to the cook?


No. Is that why she isn't cooking? Is she like the other people, such as the stonemason who don't make anything unless requested? I thought she did it anyone. Maybe every other time I have had a cook, there has just been less other food available for my citizens lol


Thank you :)


Sorry, I think I misread that before I closed it. Does that mean it is a problem?


Now I rechecked your issue, the cook doesn't produce bread, the cook only requests fuel and requests "cookable" food and cooks it. No recipe invocations.