


Wiki appears to be down...

nekatu opened this issue ยท 16 comments


Do you guys need hosting?

I work for a managed service provider and could get the wiki and/or website set up on my development server at no cost.

Just let me know what you need- love this mod and while I may be no coder, I really want to help out where I can to keep it alive and bring more attention to it.


@nekatu We used Roadkill wiki for current one. If you can provide hosting and maintenance, that would be really cool!


Ah ok. I just requested my "Study Account" but these is really depressing. Just SQL, APPs and so stuff xD


Would be a pleasure.

I've got a linux host, so can run pretty much anything you guys need. My server has unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited mailboxes. So plenty of scope for anything you guys need.

Once we have things set up it would just be a matter of you guys pointing your domain towards to the new server; or I can take that on for you as well as I'm already hosting a tonne of other domains and one more isn't going to break the bank. ;-)


Sure thing, I'll see what i can do.


We'll see with @Nollig if we can get the wiki data back (I really hope so!) and could you setup a roadkill wiki we can insert the data in?


The problem will be that ASP .NET web pages do not run on Linux host systems. Therefore we have immoment a windowsserver rented, which after an indefinite time apparently has any errors. After a reboot it always goes. If you had nh solution for that would already suffice. Or you have a server that you provide, but I will continue to rent my server anyway.


We can throw a copy of your server up into Azure, if you like? Can happily host that if you need the "real" Windows experience; though there are other Wiki platforms out there that could be run on a standard web server alongside the website, which I'll gladly host on my dev server,

Let me know either way.


Anything you want. I am free to new ideas and we can test everything that might help to improve performance uptime safety and all these stuff.


Cool- will look into this tomorrow, just ironing out some testing on the latest build I have access to to see if they resolve the bugs I've been logging over the last few days.


OK. Do you have to pay for MS Azure?


Generally- but my company does a lot of Microsoft work and we host a fair bit of stuff in Azure, so plenty of resources going spare for development.


This got cleared up? Can I close this?


Do you want to get the wiki data, nekatu?


@nekatu can you provide us witha new wiki hosting? :)


I would welcome this. However, I would like to continue to help with the development of the online appearance. If so, could you host the site? @Kostronor I would also like to help more in the direction of web appearance and "marketing". Less in the mod development per se. :D


@nekatu can you contact us for your wiki hosting offer?