


Free items when cancelling builder

April25th-mc opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Version: minecolonies-0.10.602-ALPHA-universal.jar

Sometimes when I cancel requests from the builder through the handheld clipboard, instead of the item coming back up as a request later it just gives the builder the item for free. He goes off and places it.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Have a builder building something and catch on an item he's missing
  2. Use the handheld clipboard to view his current request
  3. Sometimes, I'm not sure why, he'll start showing multiple requests open - not just the next 1 thing he needs but the next 3 things -- not sure if this is relevant but I saw this the two times I ran into the dup bug
  4. Cancel his requests using the handheld clipboard. I cancelled them trying to get him to recognize some other item I had put into his hut inventory but he hadn't picked up on yet.
  5. He gets the item for free from somewhere. This happened for a lime bed and a fern (two separate incidents hours apart). In both cases he only needed 1 of those items. I am pretty sure I didn't have the fern anywhere in my warehouse system, and very certain I had never crafted a lime bed yet on that play through.
  6. Profit. Free lime bed.

Note, I cancel requests through the clipboard all the time without this happening. It isn't every time.