


0.6.2114 doesn't talk to players with real messages in server mode

kreezxil opened this issue · 27 comments


Minecolonies version


Expected behavior

When in SMP on a server, I expect the NPC to tell me the name of the tool needed as well as other messages.

Actual behaviour

When in SMP on a server, the NPC

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. install mod on server
  2. connect to server with client that has the same mod version
  3. place townhall and assign a worker
  4. notice how it doesn't tell you anything useful

Please watch the unlisted video at https://youtu.be/DSXltWHT8zw, you can jump to 1:48 to see the first of many messages that don't tell the player anthing at all.

Note: In SSP we don't have these issues as the player is informed correctly.


seems that issue #412 is related.


To add to the ongoing strings fun, thought I'd share this-

WAILA seems to pick up the correct string while InGame XML shows the same string that the console shows in messages.

2017-01-03_23 44 46
2017-01-04_00 05 39


It's almost like the server doesn't know what language to send the chat in, and so returns the key of the message as the body of the message.


So something I should be able to workaround locally on the server, right?


I'm really good at typing, autohotkeymacros and using linux to do bulk work. Are all of the strings scattered throughout the entire codebase or located in one place? and what pattern needs to be changed to which. Also notepad++ provides awesome abilities for mass pattern changes and macros. I have that too.


In around 5 minute a new version will appear here:
Can you test if in the new version and in the version previous to that the translations work in single and multiplayer?


I adapted some things. For me in single player stuff in english and german(germany) gets translated correctly. Would have to check for the other language as well. (Portuguese and spanish should be quite complete as well)



  • ssp
    • looks good except for when he starts building as he or the mod says "'''Started building default/Builder1'''"
    • actually asks with the correct string
  • smp
    • so logged into my server where I chunk loader running
      • console says '''Starting AI job com.minecolonies.coremod.job.Builder'''
        • in the game
        • builder was standing at his chest, nothing was being said actively in chat, I would think that at least once a minute he would say something, again this can be prevented by adding something to npc's gui, like current material/tool. In my case he was waiting on cobblestone. Then he started to build.
        • Now he just informed me that he needs something with '''Send player message: com.minecolonies.coremod.job.Builder Christopher Y. Robinson: entity.miner.messageNeedBlockAndItem''', it appears in the console the same way


  • ssp
    • looking real good no strange messages when you hit "build building"
    • it actually says "build request created" & "started building"
    • ok, he standing in front of his chest says '''Builder Rory X. Brown: I need a of a maximum grade of .'''
    • therefore the item name and the item level are missing.
  • smp
    • so my guy is standing at the chest and he says "'''Send player message: com.minecolonies.coremod.job.Builder Christopher Y. Robinson: entity.worker.toolRequest'''"

Is it possible that you are experiencing a bug that the Forge team needs to fix?


any ETA on this fix? I need to update my pack, there are about 15 outdated mods in it already for 1.11.2 and about 8 more that just updated to 1.11.2 begging to go in. If the fix is not expected soon, what tools does the builder ever need, too bad that doesn't go in the materials section as it would make figuring out what he needs really easy, not to mention, when you are gone for a bit it eliminates you having to do recall to get him to complain about something, in ssp yay, but smp still not yay.


We have to rewrite all our sting pipelines to chain TextComponents, that will be a lot of work and suck lots.


btw, on these dropbox links, if you guys would take the time and edit the link by hand and change dl=0 to dl=1 they will become downloadable from here, or in my case quite easy to pull into a linux machine using wget.


I can confirm all that @kreezxil says.

Also, to add to the list, when I was testing with the 227x builds last night I found that attribute values on the NPC hiring windows are missing (basically showed all the citizens, but no numbers next to the attributes).

Will be testing this with 2290 this evening to see if it still has the same issue.


OK- with 2290 it looks like we're at least back to the pre-2270 builds with incorrect strings and messages on SMP. NPC attribute values are working again too. :-)


Seems a few workers are showing the right strings- Rangers ask for a single bow, so some strings are now working.


build 2289

  • ssp
  • smp
    • started a new colony, the messages
    • Build Request Created
    • Started building default/Builder1
    • Colony has reached max size
    • '''builder returned to chest, didn't say anything''' gonna give him an axe
    • He wanted an axe, so this the same behavior as ssp now, they no longer talk not even with the gibberish

Should be fixed in the version I'll upload in a minute.