


Colonist Stuck in the Town Hall

FATE-Punky opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I have had a few recent issues with newer colonists standing in the Town Hall, not doing anything, no job, etc. When I have a stuck colonist, typically I can just use a Lead and drag them a bit and they become unstuck. However, these colonists do not move at all. The only thing I could do was actually kill the colonist off as nothing else fixed the problem.

By the way, FANTASTIC mod. I love this mod. This was exactly what I was looking for when I started playing on PC. Thank you for keeping up with it. :D


this is the wiki repo. please read the name and readme in the future


Is there any log? Besides that, are you sure it's not night, or you have daylight turned off, or you got a barbarian raid going on, or they are mourning?


Is there any log? Besides that, are you sure it's not night, or you have daylight turned off, or you got a barbarian raid going on, or they are mourning?

No. It's during daylight with no hostile events occuring. All of the other citizens are going about their jobs. I have noticed that occasionally I will see a citizen with no job standing in the town hall but the same one will also be roaming around. It also happens with delivery people. They are seemingly standing in a spot, immovable, but there is a second instance of them that is actually running materials. I haven't gotten any feedback errors thus far. It doesn't impede upon my gameplay though as most of the time it's just a second instance of the citizen that doesn't function.


Oh yeah, in SMP because of vanillas entity management sometimes duplicate colonists occur, we restart our servers regularly so we don't notice this (Restart fixes this).


Oh yeah, in SMP because of vanillas entity management sometimes duplicate colonists occur, we restart our servers regularly so we don't notice this (Restart fixes this).

Yea. I did a restart of the server and noticed it fixed it. Definitely going to be sure I restart more often to keep things running smooth. Thank you for your quick replies :D