


Guard ai Very bad

shivachirr opened this issue · 6 comments


Minecolonies version

curse 1.10.2-0.6.2115

Expected behavior

Attack zombies closest and right next to them after killing one other zombie

Actual behaviour

kill one zombie then retrun to patrol with mutiable zombies with in 3 blocks. 80% guard death caused

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. have a guard
  2. have a zombie horde
  3. watch

yeah but they are not recovering they kill one mob then return to patrol never going back to there tower at times when they return the run int to a horde of zombies or something heck ive seen them path around them perfectly while patroling


the return to low health dose not seem to work they fight to the death or prefer to patrol


I mean i leitterly watch my 2 rangers run to patrol the fishermans hut while activly being attacked by zombies and died at the same time compeltly the wrong drection from there tower and they never treid to turn around also im thinking the armor stats are not really applying to them as much ive giving them high end armor and they still die quickly


also i dont know if this is right but i suggest looking at anchent warfare 2 from 1.7.10 combat ai. its very well flushed out last checked and with plently of command setups. in fact ancheint warfare 2 dose alot of the same stuff your doing in terms of npcs