


Minecolonies breaks world leaving in Singleplayer

ToMe25 opened this issue ยท 30 comments


Version: 1.15.2:0.11.810-BETA

Expected behavior

I would expect leaving a world to work basically always.

Actual behaviour

After some time(in different worlds i seem to have had this happen after 22-~50 hours) a world becones damaged and if you try to leave it the game freezes endlessly(i left it running for 2 hours in this state in the background once), also at that point you can't use commands that need a permission level of over 0 without the Open To Lan trick. everything else seems to work fine.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Play a single player world with cheats enabled for some time(idk on what the time it takes depends)
  2. join the world and see commands aren't longer working
  3. leave the world and see the game freezing
  4. ... Profit?

Logs: Latest.log and crashlog at https://gist.github.com/

There was no crash, but i can post three latest.log files:
The log from when the world seems to have gotten damaged(seems to contain stuff about datafixers): latest.log
The log from the first time in that world the issues occured: latest.log
The latest log from that world which is the second with that issue: latest.log

Note that i don't know for sure whether the world got damaged at the time of creating of the first or second log.
Also note that i had this happen to atleast half of my worlds with Minecolonies and none without.


I can fix the errors about datafixers, but I see you are trying to upgrade old schematic and then place it - that might be unstable and may actually cause some problems


I didn't update an old schematic, the world also was only ever used with this exact version of Minecolonies.
I instead placed a schematic in with the paste button in the builder tool gui, broke the hut block and placed it in again(this time with the accept button of the builder tool) to make the structure work, as they just don't work otherwise.
I expected the datafixer stuff to not be that important, but as it starts with [Render thread/ERROR] i was thinking maybe it is.
Also it was just the only anormal thing in any of the logs i could find...


I also did that with pasting the schematic and editing it previously in this world and it didn't cause any problems, so i am not sure whether that can actually be the problem, additionally i had the same problem in other worlds where i didn't paste in and/or update any structures that way, thats just longer ago and i can't find/cant identify the corresponding logs.

btw: i edited the previous comment to contain more information, but the discord for example wont know about these edits.


Thanks alot, the new Structurize version doesn't just prevent the issue from happening(i expect it does, but as that isn't reproducible, i am not sure), but it also fixes worlds where this had already happened, which i didn't think was possible like that.


okaaaay, like I just fixed that errors in datafixers, dumb mojang


OK it did fix it, but not for long, after playing a bit longer in that world its now broken again...
Edit: it was like the third time of joining where the issue came back...


ill add some new logs from that world later :)


None of our other players got issues with world corruption neither do we on the official server, do you have any additional mods?


i am only using JEI, Minecolonies and Structurize, and i also have some servers that don't have that problem, its just singleplayer and it isn't really the standard corruption as the world is still playable, just commands and leaving don't really work anymore.


and why do you think it is minecolonies related?


and in like half my worlds with it.


because i never had the problem without it.


so it might just be rng? :D


i play enough without minecolonies that i don't believe that :)
Or did you mean from the worlds with minecolonies? that might be it, idk


If you send us the log of you trying to leave the world and it not working we can check what it is. But from the amount of players etc we have I atm doubt this is related to minecolonies.


as i said above i will get the logs from with the new structurize version later today, i guess in like an hour or so.


It seems to also happen without Mixin, but i haven't found a way to reliably reproduce it, and will stop trying for now.
Also every change to the mod list(updating, adding or removing one or more mods) seems to temporarily fix this issue, but it will always reoccur later.
Also it seems like some worlds event with Minecolonies just aren't affected at all.


were you able to reproduce this without minecolonies yet?


no, never.


i tried this again a few minutes ago, but i couldn't, the problem is i can't reliably reproduce it with minecolonies either, so that doesn't mean that much.


This is the latest.log from when it last worked with the new structurize version.
Here the latest.log where the leaving didn't work again, after the left the game i gave it half an hour and as it was still saying "saving world"(not sure, but i think that was what it said), i closed the game.
Also i tried to use the /gamemode command somewhere in there, but that doesn't seems to show up in the log.


The reason for freeze might be minecolonies trying to save something big/cyclic, otherwise no idea


I can't see anything there @OrionDevelopment any idea?


btw i just found out that from a previous test in that directory there seems to be a MixinBootstrap-1.0.2 file left in there, that i missed, i hope that doesn't changes it, but i just now noticed it in the log as i really thought i had removed all mods from the mods directory before testing this.


that sounds like a thread not closing and minecraft waiting for it to shutdown


A few new things:

  1. I now figured out how the MixinBootstrap got there, it was a leftover from an earlyer test with phosphor.
  2. I have had this issue before and while i can't be a 100% sure i am still pretty sure in that worlds i played without anything that could have used Mixin.
  3. removing the MixinBootstrap did solve the Issue, but as updating structurize did that too for a few hours, i don't believe(yet?) that it really did solve it for long.

Lets see if it happens again without the mixins.
There is some funkyness in your logs that is for sure.


It did, thats what i meant by "It seems to also happen without Mixin",
i have also researched some of my old worlds where that happened some more,
and can now safely say that, at the time i played them, didn't use any mods i know of that they use Mixin, the problem is i can't seem to find the logs from back then, and also there may be a mod inside what i used that uses Mixin that i just don't know about.

Edit: This could of coarse also be because of the pre-existing world that was loaded with Mixin previously, but as i can't reliably reproduce this, i can't just make a new world to see whether it will happen again.


Since this is not reproducible, i am going to close the issue.
If @ToMe25 is able to reproduce this. Feel free to reopen the issue.


Fixed in the latest