


Lumberjack not doing anything after getting a axe. 11.938-BETA

deadspidervenom opened this issue · 8 comments


Version: minecolonies-0.11.938-BETA-universal

I have been making a colony underground, i made the lumberjack building with a the small dwarven plot so that i could get some wood income.

I gave the lumberjack the axe this asked for, but after they just sit in the hut doing nothing, even though the trees are grown 10 blocks next to them.

A birch tree is shown in the background of this picture as well as the axe. However they just sit there. I also made sure that the trees were checked on page 2.



a) Is the axe the right level for the hut level (iron axe might be too good for a level 1 hut)
b) Are the trees one block higher without adjacent blocks?

This should work if the two above conditions are met.

A) yes its a level 2 hut not level 1
b) its your guys tree farm plot for for dwarven style, you can see in the background (though blurry) that there is 1 block of dirt from the tree and the floor.

I legit do not see why you would assume i am a idiot with rocks for brains, i know how to use the mod and how it should be working. and IT WAS NOT and could still be not. So dont close a bug report if it has not been addressed like sweeping dust under the rug.

Conditions were met nothing happened you have a problem.

EDIT: now that i think about it several huts refused to function, including the fishing hut.


Yes, on both, though i dont see why modded tools would be the issue sense all other huts accept the same tools just fine.


Also the ai registers it as a valid tool, it just does nothing


Sometimes modded tools are registered as "higher" as the material. (Since we base it on mining level).

Those trees stand on a single dirt block? When you place slabs around them, does it fix it?


I would test that but i no longer host the world, after a few mods updated the world became unplayable due to everyone getting lag spikes that froze their client for a good minute.

Also the design is in your guys stuff so if it needs slabs then wouldn't the design have slabs?


Designs are contributed by the community


a) Is the axe the right level for the hut level (iron axe might be too good for a level 1 hut)
b) Are the trees one block higher without adjacent blocks?

This should work if the two above conditions are met.