


Delivery guy and Builder, circle logic loop

roadblockx opened this issue · 21 comments


Before reporting please make sure that this issue was not reported yet (Check out similar issue suggestions).

Also update to the latest alpha of both minecolonies and structurize before reporting

Version: Minecolonies-0.13.3-BETA-universal

Expected behavior

  • I would expect the builder to finish the warehouse and/or the delivery person to make their rounds
  • I would also expect the delivery person to make their rounds collecting items from the lumber jack, miner and farmer.

Actual behavior

The builder continues to walk to the warehouse construction site, stands at the site for several seconds and then walks back to the builder's hut. He displays the red exclamation mark over his head requesting a delivery person. Exact message from builder (I need 1 [Deliveryman] to continue working.) All material he needs for the project is in the builder's hut inventory.

The deliveryman has been found to be sitting in the delivery hut, in the loft of his house and in the town hall. Not gathering ANY materials. The red exclamation mark above his head never goes away and when I talk to him, message I get is (Please upgrade or build a warehouse for me to work at)

I can't build the warehouse! The builder won't complete it because he's looking for a delivery guy and the delivery guy won't cooperate because he wants a warehouse.

To try and resolve this, here are the steps I've performed so far (not necessarily in this order as I've tried so many things with no success)

  • restarted MC server, MC client and my laptop (Windows 10 64bit)
  • fired the builder, the delivery guy, guard / then set hiring to manual / reassigned all three to new positions
  • paused the deliver hut and restarted / then paused the builder's hut and restarted / finally canceled the warehouse construction / started construction again at the same site
  • cleared all of their inventories (builder and delivery guy) and the inventories in their huts
  • with an empty hand, punched the builder and then the delivery guy (felt good)
  • repaired the delivery guy's hut and the builder's hut (nothing fixed that I could see)
  • fired the delivery guy and guard, switched their jobs and restarted their huts
  • tried to get them to ignore or skip their request for warehouse or delivery guy
  • recalled everyone to the town hall (shortly after, the delivery guy would not leave the town hall)
  • smacked the delivery guy again
  • run the requestsystem-reset option
  • had enough with the delivery guy and after finding the command to kill him, I sent him to the big MC cloud in the sky
  • spawned in a new citizen who I picked as the delivery guy (chick now) / they displayed the exact same error

I don't know if I built the huts out of order which is causing the problems (delivery hut and then warehouse). If this is the problem, let me know how to fix.

I haven't had any problems prior to this with Minecolonies. I've built a mine, lumberjack hut, town hall, two citizen huts, tavern, farm and guard tower. The other mods I have loaded have been there all along and showed no problems (I believe the log file shows the mods installed but if it doesn't, it isn't detailed enough or you need additional info, please ask and I'll do what I can)

Thanks for any help and time you can provide me on this!

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Build warehouse
  2. Notice builder is waiting on delivery guy
  3. Delivery guy is waiting on warehouse
  4. ... Profit

Logs: Latest.log and crashlog at https://gist.github.com/

  • latest.log: <script src="https://gist.github.com/roadblockx/a2e96f7a1b7f2526bb9fc2c96daca13a.js"></script>
  • crashlog: n/a

download the newest .14


Thanks for the quick reply. Not sure why you closed it out so quickly though as I had a couple questions.

I’m renting a server for a few family members to play together during quarantine. I loaded forge for MC 1.15.2 and the other mods all meet that version. Does .14 work with forge 32.2.x? That’s the version I had to custom load into the rental server and it was ugly.


strike that

Forge 31.2.28 (trying to fry chicken and remember the version numbers). My apologies


Hello? I’m sure we can do better than a quick post and close the ticket.


download the newest .14

This reply did NOT fix the issue. Future readers, this was closed out before any follow up was done so please don't go through the process of downloading and installing this jar file. I'll post back what ended up being the fix.


Okay, as a operations engineer for 18 years, what kind of salary did you get, 50-80k a year?


This is an open source project. Everyone is asked to their part.


hey if you pay us fulltime then we're happy to improve the support. But as of now this is a complete free time project so its pretty entitled to demand how we spend our freetime which already mainly goes into making a mod for other for free.


And as I said, we ask the community to do their part. And we do our part of coding and improving this mod.


The point is, as we pointed out, we don't have time for this. That's why we ask the community, that uses this software for free to step up and do their part. Would you rather have great support and no features ever? I rather won't.


It's because we use issues to track things that need to be solved. If I code something to fix something, and this was merged we close the issue. Meaning for now I can go after other issues. (We do play test things to make sure the fix works). If the issue persists, probably something else is broken and the player creates a new issue and we know someone has to go after that.


That's how we've been handling this for the past years with our community and it has been proven to be a very efficient model where everyone contributes.


We close the issue, when the code in question was adjusted in the newest version. That is the way to handle this.
If the issue still persist you reopen the issue and say the issue persists.