


Delivery Man Not Fulfilling Crafting Request For Builder

MaxAstro opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Version: 0.13.18 (Valhesia 2 version 2.2.3)

Expected behavior

When the builder wants to craft something, the deliveryman should bring the materials the builder needs to craft with.

Actual behaviour

My builder is currently requesting 15 dark oak logs so that he can craft dark oak planks. He is standing in his hut waiting for them to appear. Meanwhile, my warehouse has 300 dark oak logs in it, and my delivery man is standing in the warehouse doing nothing. Here is a picture of what my clipboard shows about the request:

Also, oddly, the builder does not have a "I need 15 dark oak logs to do my job" request as he usually does when he requires a resource to build. Instead he has the 'soft' version, "My job would be easier if I had 15 dark oak logs".

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Teach builder to make planks out of wood.
  2. Build something that requires planks.
  3. Watch the delivery man stand around doing nothing...