


Not really a bug but a compatibility issue

Consumerx54 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Before reporting please make sure that this issue was not reported yet (Check out similar issue suggestions).

Also update to the latest alpha of both minecolonies and structurize before reporting

Version: Just d/l newest

Expected behavior

-I would see this block place things in the world

Actual behaviour

-Nothing happens!-- Description here -->

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. ... Profit
    I am working with a new mod called Create. In this mod there is a block called deployer and it does a lot of things a player can do like plant, break blocks, push buttons etc. Inside of the minecolonies boundary this block will not function properly but outside the colony boundary it works great. I am guessing that the colony sees it like a player and will not let it place anything in the colony boundary. I really hope there is a fix for this soon because the create mod is a fun mod to use

Logs: Latest.log and crashlog at https://gist.github.com/

  • latest.log:
  • crashlog:

Have you looked in the Townhall? I would expect there to be events there where it blocked the deployer from working, and you should be able to grant it access from there.


^ and else #4510