


Builder thinks he will get more items delivered than requested from crafter

MatthiasMann opened this issue ยท 43 comments


Version: minecolonies-0.13.37-ALPHA-universal (but was also in 0.13.34)

Expected behavior

Builders gets the items delivered he requests and then continue working.

Actual behaviour

At some point the request for things to get crafted changes to this:
2020-07-17_22 14 10
and once he gets the items delivered (which is the original number) he continues to wait for more - until you cancel the request.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Have a sawmill setup to craft planks, stairs, signs, doors etc
  2. Have the builder request crafting of one or more of these items
  3. At some point the crafting / delivering amount starts to go up
  4. ... Profit

Logs: Latest.log and crashlog at https://gist.github.com/

No messages in either latest.log or debug.log from Minecolonies since world load (this issue can also happen later not only after loading a world).


Now it also happened to the stone mason crafting items:
2020-07-17_22 56 54
2020-07-17_22 56 59


Still happens in 0.13.56


Can you see if this still works with the latest?


Still happens in minecolonies-0.13.105-ALPHA-universal


Still happens in 0.13.120:
2020-08-10_19 06 07


Got this on 0.13.144 too (and earlier), happened when delivery man responsible for fulfilling that request vanished.


I think I now have an idea what happens with the crafters and the delivery counts always going up:
I had the builder requesting 96 stone from my stone smelter - but the delivery guy brought him 128 stone, which cause the request to not complete and instead another delivery of stone was made - I'm on 1.15.2 and 0.13.247
I think this is similar to when you (eg the player) put more items as requested into the builder's inventory the request is also not fulfilled and stays active


This happens to me too-at one point I had 30 iron helmets in my warehouse! Not just the builder, at least for me.


I've only ever seen it happen with my blacksmith but they will just make tools and armor over and over again and waste resources. I look in the chests in the warehouse and I have tons of tools and armor just sitting there.


This also happens in the latest 1.15.2 beta. I will often find that someone has dozens of copies of the requested item their hut's inventory, but they still hasn't closed their request, or the builder will have received everything but will still request building materials.


.264 or .250 BugSandwich?
Either way, best to update to the latest alpha


I had 20 beds made due to this.


Yesterday it also happened when the stone smelter requested wooden planks as fuel from my saw mill. Each time he got planks delivered the amount of requested increased. Using 0.13.349-alpha.


Ive not checked the stone mason. But id imagine it be the same.


Just tested this on 0.13.350 and it still occurs. Heres what I did to reproduce the problem.

my builder had a task pending to upgrade the tavern, one of the items required was 13 vertical barrel.

  1. builder requests 1 vertical barrel
  2. mats items get delivered to sawmill
  3. 1 barrel gets made
  4. Builder request times out -> go to step 1.
  • Above happened 6 times before the items got picked up by a delivery npc, who stored them in the warehouse
  1. Builder requests 1 vertical barrel
  2. 6 barrels get send from warehouse to builder.

Does this still happen in the latest? Can someone test?


It happens on the latest minecolonies official version (v2.9), but that's over a week out of date.




nope my builder is still requesting more bookcases to be made then needed


Are you on the latest alpha that is? the one we released today?


I am yes Ray6


0.13.372 im on




In my opinion this is the most annoying bug that still exists. I have like 10 stacks of birch buttons and I had almost an entire rack full of cobblestone slabs (until I turned them back into cobble)!


Just noticed, The Miner does the same when requesting items for the tunnels. My miner had 7 stacks of stairs but still wanted 100 more via the request system.


I think it can happen to anyone, my blacksmith has made loads of armor for my guards and also lots of axes for forester


https://paste.ee/p/3PnJC - this error shows when i try to cancel a Request system request
It doesn't cancel at all


https://paste.ee/p/3PnJC - this error shows when i try to cancel a Request system request
It doesn't cancel at all

Probably unrelated, open a separate issue


Is this the same issue? I requested one dye, when the courier delivered the flower to the dye hut, they sent 7 dyes back to me for delivery.
2020-10-24_11 49 36


I don't think it is the same issue. Or if it is I find no fix. I try to cancel the job, reset the request system, etc... Do you have any additional suggestions for things I can try then? I've done just about everything https://wiki.minecolonies.ldtteam.com/source/misc/troubleshooting <- here


Don't think what is the same issue?


Followup, it just suddenly went back to requesting a flower delivery, I never got the dyes. I went to the dye hut and the seven dyes were sitting there.
2020-10-24_18 53 54


It's all related to the "wrong quantities" though


I have this issue in version minecolonies-0.13.379-ALPHA-universal with my blacksmith i have warehouse full of tools like stone axe shiedls shovels


now my cowboy get this:(

running the latest alpha(0.13.394)


canceling the request and let citizens make again can make it better(for a peries of time)


I can confirm this can also happen with any request from the system, where whoever is crafting will constantly request material and craft a ton.

Here are the many occurrences that I had:
-Builders asking for something from stonemason or sawmill, randomly would keep requesting a certain item and you would see the "delivery of 64" a few times when they only asked for a small amount
-Guards asking for a piece of armor
-I had a guard complain that he 1: needed new pants and 2: that he had no space left in his hut to store things. Upon verification, I canceled his request because he clearly had pants on him, and checking his hut, the entire thing was filled with leather pants, I had to destroy most of them and call a pickup for the last one remaining.
-I had another similar with iron chest plate. That was a lot of chest plates that once appeared in my warehouse after I had to do a colony request reset all command to fix another issue.
-I asked for 2 dyes from my Dyer, I ended up with 16 in my mailbox
-My miner kept asking for cobblestone oak double-crossed blocks, I noticed he kept getting some, he would drop them in one of his rack/chest but then seem to forget about them and request more. I had around 20 stacks before I noticed. I picked everything up, removed the chests and racks, replaced them and gave my miner all the items. He finally figured it out, placed them in storage and went on his day. The next pickup took ALL of the blocks and put them in the warehouse...

That still happens randomly, even in 13.390 and 13.396


I was brought here after finding issue
Farmer continuously requests hoe #5983

My Farmers stand by their hut block asking for hoes continuously.
Minecraft 1.15.2

Tried multiple of the troubleshooting attempts above. Nothing seems to work.
If you'd like logs I can always try to provide.


has make sure that happened on 0.13.421


I have this problem as well, but only when resources take several (in game) days to be delivered and are craftables. It looks to me like in this situation, at some point, a new request is created for the crafting and the inventory (either the local or the warehouse) are not checked if the items already exist.

I'm not sure if the new request is expected, but if that would check the inventories again if the items are available, that should solve the issue, I think.


still in minecolonies-0.13.440-ALPHA-universal


Cook requests endless amounts of oak planks for fuel in 0.13.450-ALPHA


now it seems that the things that they dont need so much would not deliver to them.but of course their requests cant be finished and they have to request one more time.