


Plantation sugarcane issue

janisl opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Before reporting please make sure that this issue was not reported yet (Check out similar issue suggestions).

Also update to the latest alpha of both minecolonies and structurize before reporting

Version: 0.13.56-ALPHA

Expected behavior

  • Sugarcane is planted and harvested when grown 3 high

Actual behaviour

  • Only works on specific schematics, when switched to cactus and bamboo it works fine in the cases I tested.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Start superflat creative world, place town hall and create colony
  2. Paste in the following plantations: Acacia level 1, fortress level 2, medieval spruce level 3, wooden level 5
  3. Give workers sugarcane they require
  4. In acacia and fortress nothing works, in medieval spruce sugarcane is planted in only 3 spots, in wooden it works as expected
  5. ... Profit

Logs: Latest.log and crashlog at https://gist.github.com/

  • latest.log:
  • crashlog:

please report in: #5006 @lunadragnstar