still getting crash on place items 15.2
tails1974seeyounextgame opened this issue ยท 28 comments
still getting crash on place items 15.2
game instantly saves and unloads when trying to make ANY mod building using the gui.
nothing in the log.
happened in a completely different modpack too. ill try running it with just jei and post back.
just tested on a flatlands with literally only the mod enabled and jei- toggled to non creative and it crashed. ill attempt to find some portion of log
k. i cant make heads or tails of the log tho, if you figure it out please do tell
i checked curseforge for the latest version and according to it that is the latest.. wheres the alpha?
You're on the wrong structurize version, go to the latest alpha of both structurize and minecolonies.
thank you. ill try it now and report back, i get the sensation their may still be issues when i activate the other mods
ok im highly confused about your naming structure. the first alpha for 15.2 is on the second page, shouldnt i be using a beta (third iteration)?
it may be more effective to give a direct download link, for me and for others probably making the same mistakes.
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minecolonies/files/3015097 for minecolonies and https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/structurize/files/3015073 for structurize
oops, try https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/structurize/files/3015068 instead (for structurize)
ok it worked without other mods. testing with all the mods , crosses fingers.
success!!!!! now for optifine and my premium shaders and resource packs xD
what i mean is three builds ago optifine released something that fixes render glitches on both amd and nvidia
oh. I think that's different tho. This glitch has to do with forge multipart models (or something like that)
damn even the icon preview is missing. looks like its fixed for 16.1 tho on your end?
"This reverts commit 8af28ef4625f763f835231299df859f25d426f15. * Fix Optifine compatibility (#113)" ? cant tell if that undoes the fix or redoes the fix. but 15.2 version in that commit crashes tho huh