


Icons and Textures [bug]

xXLightAngelXx opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Some of the Icons for Items in your Mod are iccorectly displayed and/or missing and the objects themself invisable due to missing object textures.

Why Update to Forge 3.33 [Latest] when you knew in advance from other people that it has issues with correctly loading assets from the minecolonies mod?

It is my strongest advise that if you update to a version of a modloader that struggles to work correctly with your mod that you either get in contact with the Mod Loader Devs and have them try to rectify it or create a Libary mod that has the correct objs etc and make it a required mod for the minecolonies mod to fix the issue.


Are you sure you're not using optifine?


I am sure I tried it both with and without


It was also addressed previously by other players on the forum to the devs that it occurs prior to the Modpack beign udpated to latest forge version


And I'm going to close this issue until you grow some human decency to word an issue without attacking the mod developers that are offering you this service for free.


Btw, this works perfect for me, with forge >= 31.2.33


Has nto for me and sorry for being breash


So another mod is causing this. It works perfect for us. I'm sure optifine causes this. But that is THEIR fault and not ours. Maybe there is another mod that fucks up rendering in a stupid way.


Also is it possible to make it so you can have multiple conoloies in 1 world? or is that intetional that onyl one is allowed per world?


For these kind of questions please visit our discord.


Whats ur link for disc?