


AI error with builder

nebc opened this issue ยท 16 comments



  • I am running the latest alpha version of MineColonies for my Minecraft version.
  • I checked the MineColonies Wiki and made sure that my issue is not covered there.
  • I made sure that this issue is not a duplicate of any existing issue.
  • This is an issue and not a feature request. Please create all feature requests here.


  • Minecraft Version: 1.15.2
  • MineColonies Version: minecolonies-0.13.101-ALPHA-universal
  • Related Mods and Their Versions: Forge Valhelsia 2 with dungeon crawl mod added and scenic mod removed.

Expected behavior

Builder builds what she is ordered to.

Actual behaviour

She stands there ans says my AI has an error

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Have builder
  2. Wait for her to complain about AI error
  3. ... Profit



Can you do a /mc colony requestsystem-reset ?


@Raycoms It says unknown command


I built a new builder and he ran into the same issue within the hour, tried firing and rehiring a new person and she had the same problem. I'm using the fortress tileset on a server with a few other people.


Ye, there is a request system issue. Use auto complete do find /mc colony requestsystem-reset colonyid or so


Okay I did that and their both still complaining about their AI, does it take some time or is there something else I should do?


the message will stay for a while. You can click the "ignore button" to make it go away


Now their just standing there. I reset it a few times and it says each time "after 1.618 second it reinstantiated completely new" I've waited 10 minutes to see if it just needed time but their still just standing there.


@Raycoms (I don't know if its proper etiquette to @ you so if its not please tell me :)I tried firing and rehiring them after 20 minutes and they just instantly got AI errors again, any other ideas for troubleshooting, should I update my latest.log?


Try to delete the config files.


@DasNilpferd77 That didn't work, the only config things I change are decreasing the build delay to 5 (from 15) and the break delay to 50(from 500), and the disease chance to 30.


I see that there are some new updates, one of them hot fixed delivery man, will that help me out?


i deleted both minecolony config files and have no problems no


I tried and I'm still having the problem, not sure what to do


Reupload log, upload world and I'll check on it tomorrow


I'm not sure how to upload the world so here is a google drive link with it and a readme for the mods you'll need, alternatively it is being hosted on a server so if you would rather just connect once you get the mods then that would work as well.


Been fidiling with it and I think it has something to do with the racks in the warehouse, they were arranged in a 2x2 so they fought over which one connected with what and I think the workers had problem seeing what existed and what didn't as the racks were broken, I emptied my warehouse and took out half the racks so none of them were fighting and everyone is working fine now.