


[2829] Miner still on strike [$5]

kreezxil opened this issue · 28 comments


In build 2829, miner still stands at his box not saying or do something. I used the new

/mc citizens citizenInfo command to discover he was stuck in a need item task. So I started added all of the tools from wood to diamond for shovels, axes, and pickaxes, still nothing, then I started giving him mats from oak planks up to torches and cobblestone. He grabbed cobblestone and ladders and went to work. He's still not saying anything in server console or in game chat. But at least you can get him to work if use your Psychic mind reading skills on him.

On the command, can you also make it so that we can access the citizenInfo via citizen ID as well, as typing their full name seems a little unnecessary especially when the list command gives their ids. Keep the full name thing tho.

Did you help close this issue? Go claim the $5 bounty on Bountysource.


The miner not saying stuff he needs is a long time bug we still have not fixed (and I am honestly clueless xD)

The colony info command should accept ids. It was more a feature to also accept names xD


I just checked it on build 2837 and the builder and the miner both don't say anything, at least you can play psychic roulette with them and sort of figure it out, like 10 versions ago.


Doesn't it work via citizen id? It should work via id.


Okay it's now only the miner who is quiet or miner and builder?

And is he only quiet about cobble? Or about all blocks, or about all blocks and tools?


@kreezxil all actual errors get violently thrown at the console, the problem are bugs not errors ;)


I was thinking that you should have an option if not already (then what is it), to make the client and server consoles very verbose to help with debugging. For instance, I have the sneaky feeling that you have a lot of Try-Catch code to intercept error conditions and then move on with things. If there were an option to stop all this error capturing and just let it pass through to the console that might be most helpful.


I'm all for it, because that last request would mean that I wouldn't be running any companion mods, as running such verbose level of data would be as crippling. However, I think that it would be instrumental in helping to solve this current state of issues where no errors are being reported to the console, ie because of "logic" bugs.


@kreezxil The thing is, such a debug log would cripple a server with output. We could do that but I'd say that is a github issue for itself ;)


I have the same issue right now, so the bug is still here :3


I may have just given you $5, reason is, I did a world wipe on my test server and lo and behold the miner actually talks to me.

The only things that I can think that even cause this issue are:

  1. upgrading a minecolonies world with a new version of minecolonies
  2. using chunkloaders in your minecolony -- meaning that your people are talking to someone when you are not around and when you finally do show up perhaps they no longer want to talk to you (just theory and conjecture)

I think our timeout was 10 minutes right? Or was it more?
We incrementally increase the time it takes for a citizen to ask again but it has a cap


We should probably check if there are players inside the colony before we process the messages


@Raycoms we could check the subscriber list if there are any. Would still be a bit ugly to pass that to the spamfilter...


Or we could reset all spamfilters on player login


As per request I started merging Issues that are related to things I found while going through the source code. One of these is the request system. Closing this in favor of #638