


Raids disabled?

lucas02061 opened this issue ยท 25 comments



Raids seem to be disabled totally since i started playing Minecolonies again after a 3 month break. I have tried following:

  1. Difficulty normal.
  2. Tried using both Twitch and GD as launchers
  3. Tested in both 1.16 and 1.15
    • Both versions was updated to the newest version.
  4. Tried to disable all other mods
  5. Tried using both raid commands and the "can spawn raiders" command
  6. Played in 4 different world
    • Largest town had about 20 citizens and 30 buildings
    • Smallest town had 8 citizens and 10 buildings
    • All towns had guards
  7. The only commands I have used that might interfere with the raids is "/set time day" command, "/difficulty peaceful and "/gamerule doDaylightcycle"
    • Set time was not used very often
    • Peaceful command and gamerule command was only used when afk. Was not activated for very long at a time.

I really hope you can fix this problem :) I have been struggling with this for a week now, and have not been able to find a solution... :/ I love raids so I really hope to find a fix for this problem :b Please let me know if you find a fix :)

I do not know if you need it, but here is my "latest.log":



While daylight cycles are off they do not spawn, that is a certain too.


I thought that might have an impact, but daylight cycle is only changed for 1 hour or so every 10 hour.


do you set time to day automatically every x ticks or so or with a daylight detector?


What's your chunk loading radius?


I guess the default? I have not changed it.


If you are talking about the render distance, it is set to 12 chunks.


I double tested this again. Spawned in 11 citizens and a few huts and I spawned a bunch of raids just fine.


Hmmm, I really do not know what is my problem then :( I mean, I have installed multiple version of the mod, reinstalled the game so it was totally fresh. I have not touched any config settings...


It worked like a charm a couple of months ago, but since i installed the new version, nothing seems to work :/


can you in creative spawn a few level 5 buildings and spawn 15 citizens (mc citizens spawnNew colonyid) in a new world, normal mode and test?


Have you tried a test world? To see if the issue stems from your original world?


I will do that Raycoms, give me a minute.

Adius1210 I have not made a test world, but I thought it might have been the world so i restarted twice. I therefor have 3 colonies in 3 different modpacks, one of which is in 1.15 and the other two in 1.16. Still does not work.


Raycoms, I just made a test world, spawned in a few lvl 5 buildings and 17 citizens. And it works for some reason?


I wonder if there is any gamerule activate when you initially created your other world, and when you "restart" it, those will be copied over.


But I am certain this is not on our side xD


Raycoms, is it because I do not have enough citizens? Or? I mean what gamerules would carry over when i restart if I made a totally new modpack, with a new version of minecraft, and even tried to uninstall all other mods?

It seems like the reason im not getting raids is because i have to few people or my buildings are too low level? What level buildings do you need before raids start?


you get a notification at around 6 citizens saying barbarians have noticed your colony- best to make a guard tower


I never got that message


In either of the 3 worlds


In the past there was a hard cap, after 6/8 citizens you'd get raids. That doesn't exist anymore. Nowadays it's based on a joint development value of the colony. It's difficult to say when they start coming, the 20 people colony should be big enough. But maybe in normal mode they come even a bit later since there are not enough worker buildings etc.


Okay, so it could be simply because my colony is not big enough?

The only thing those 3 colonies have incommon which the test world did not have is that at one point during the 10-30 hours i played each of the other world, i changed the time or the gamerule. Do you think changing the gamerule once could make it so that raiders will never spawn again?


changing the time doesn't affect it, that I'm sure about. But the gamerule, could be a minecraft bug where it drags down the world time. But changing the worldtime will mess with the colonies in general too, so it's not adviced.


Okay, I did the same thing back 3 months ago when it worked fine, so it is a bug that is introduced in the last 3 months. It would just be weird if it was a minecraft bug since I am playing in 1.15 which is older than 3 months?


Okay it is because of my town level that I do not get raided. Tried to make a copy of my world and spawn in a couple of lvl 5 buildings and spawn some villagers in. After this I could spawn in a raid. It seems like you need quite a big town before raids start.

Anyway, thanks for the help :)