


Courier AI has run into an issue

setdebarr opened this issue ยท 4 comments



  • I am running the latest alpha version of MineColonies and Structurize for my Minecraft version.
  • I checked the MineColonies/Structurize wiki and made sure my issue is not covered there.
  • I made sure that this issue is not a duplicate of any existing issue.


  • Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
  • MineColonies Version: 0.13.557 Alpha
  • Structurize Version: 0.13.104 Alpha

Problem description

I'm running a Direwolf20 1.16 v1.3.1 server and a player sent me a screenshot of their courier saying there was a problem with the Worker's AI and requesting that I send the developer team my latest.log file, which I've attached.

Notes or related things


  • Add a thumbs-up to the issue to vote for it. This helps the request become more visible to the team and doesn't clutter the comments.
  • Add a comment if you have any insights or background information that isn't already part of the conversation.

log in a gist: https://gist.github.com/ravenbuilder934/1f046139c19146fdfe8e7b410be2defa
(please put it in a gist next time)


I ran into the same situation on a 1.15.2 server that I run.


I got this message on my server, too (1.16.4 / minecolonies 0.13.535 ALPHA / sturctur0.13.104 Alpha).
Additional I was able to trace back the reason, why this issue might happen:

Reproduction steps, as far as I could trace them down

  • I created the build request to deconstruct my blacksmith (medievalspruce, lvl 1)
  • The builder finished deconstructing the blacksmith
  • I'll assume that there were some open request for the blacksmith still preset in time the building was deconstructed

I could see in the latest.log shortly after the exception, that both courier failed near the location where the old controller block of the blacksmith was located.

I will try to verify it tomorrow with the newest version of minecolonies and structurize.

You'll find the latest.log here (taken like 10 Minutes after the exception)


Same as: #5672