


Blacksmith+Worker Backup Do To Netherite Tool Requests Version: 0.14.97

puppyfight opened this issue ยท 14 comments


Noticing that my workers for whatever reason started requesting netherite tools.

As someone who likes to conserve resources, this bothered me because:

  1. I don't even have netherite for myself to use, just diamonds.
  2. I never taught the blacksmith how to make netherite tools.
    So I troubleshooted for myself by going back and forth between the workers and the blacksmith, removing the recipes (which always comes back after a worker requests a new tool), putting it ALL the way down on his list of stuff he can do...
    But my workers still request netherite tools even when reset, even when fired and hired.

Currently, I have to request (Iron or modded ingot) tools from the blacksmith myself to give to my workers to make them shut up and do their jobs.

I'd like for the blacksmith to be able to unlearn the netherite stuff permanently or for me to be able to toggle it off and on.


I'm having this exact same bug on v1.1.583-beta, even worse though the miner requesting the pickaxe has a diamond pickaxe already in their inventory. I also tried removing the netherite tools from the black smith and the recipes keep reappearing. I also tried moving the recipes to the bottom of the list to make them the least priority. Is there a setting or option I'm missing to fix this?


Please don't comment on an issue which has been closed for more than three years.

Note that the miner may need a higher level pickaxe if there is a block in the way that requires a higher level pickaxe to be mined.
The netherite recipes can be disabled, by the way, if you don't want the blacksmith to make netherite tools or armour


Mod versions?


did you try just ordering the non netherrite tools on top of it?


Yeppp, they still request the netherite tools




@Raycoms Would you like any pics or something to show the issue? For some reason, my lumberjack will request an iron hoe if I take his hoe, but a netherite axe when I take his axe. All netherite items are below all other items the blacksmith can make.


@ravenbuilder934 It says in the title. Version: 0.14.97


er, not mod versions, but filling out the template. Also, have you tried /mc colony requestsystem-reset (colony ID here)?


I did, I'm not sure I know what you mean by template, I'm not 100% on a lot of terms (since this is my first ever bug report).

Do you mean what level the buildings are at because the blacksmith is at lvl 5 and all the building requesting tools are lvl 4-5.


When you clicked Create New Issue it should've prefilled it with text/headings, so you could fill them out


OH you mean like on this site.

I didn't pick any template, I saw some people with interesting templates on here, but I didn't know how to do it so I just defaulted to text, sorry if that's an issue. Um, if you mean the # next to the title it's #6915

I've updated Minecolonies and the lumberjack is now totally fixed and after messing with the farmer a bit, they also fixed themselves. I'll be messing with all the workers who need tools to make sure this is totally fixed.


Yeah on this site. It should've automatically given you a template, odd


As far as I can tell, this issue is fixed. Thank you for your time!