


[Suggestion] Assign Builder at build request

Megistus opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Pretty simply, when using the build scepter, a GUI opens up and allows assigning a specific builder for that job, if having more than one builder. Gets a bit frustrating when a builder picks up a job from way over on the other side of the colony. That, or have an algorithm that has the builder start with the closest job and work their way out ... I suppose.

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One week and no comment?
I think it is a very good idea. At first I thought it might be difficult to implement but thinking baxk it might not be.
At the moment, builder take the first work order available. If we add to the work order the uuid of the builder, builder could take the first work order with their uuid, if none found, they could take the first work order without a builder uuid.

Additionally when right clicking on a builder with the building wand, it could select this builder to do the build we are about to order.

