[BUG] Citizens sometimes get stuck on railway, always get stuck on unpowered railway.
HexatomicRing opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
Are you using the latest MineColonies Verison?
- I am running the latest alpha version of MineColonies for my Minecraft version.
Did you check on the Wiki? or ask on Discord?
- I checked the MineColonies Wiki and made sure my issue is not covered there. Or I was sent from discord to open an issue here.
Minecraft Version
MineColonies Version
Structurize Version
Related Mods and their Versions
- Forge version: 40.0.44
- Block UI version: 0.0.47
- Domum Ornamentum version: 1.0.50
Current Behavior
After researched railway, I started to build my traffic system, which is mostly composed of powered railway. However, as I building railways, citizens sometimes get stuck on railway, and always get stuck on unpowered railway.
Specifically, when they try to start their minecart on a railway corner, they move extremely slowly until they drive on a powered railway. They cannot move on unpowered railway, but they will not get out of the minecart and walk instead. Sometimes I find a citizen stuck in a minecart, but has already come off a section of railway.
These bugs not only decreases the efficiency of citizens, but may also bring me a huge loss. Once my colony fighted against the pirates, over half of my forces were stuck on a section of unpowered railway (maybe the lever was broken by a builder) and killed by 2 pirates. When I arrived, there just left a string of graves (the screenshot is shown below).
Another bug is that the will not check whether the railway still exists when they start on. This often happens when modifying the railway. Citizens often place minecarts where the railway was removed seconds ago. But this is not severe, in comparison.
Expected Behavior
- Unpowered rails should not be regarded as passable in the navigation.
- Citizens should not prefere to start on a rail corner.
- When not on railway, citizens should get out of their minecarts at once.
Reproduction Steps
Where there is a section of rail, the bugs will take place.
Log is unnecessay, I think.
Anything else?
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- Add a comment if you have any insights or background information that isn't already part of the conversation.