


[Feature] Waypoints for players

xavierh opened this issue ยท 4 comments


This is not about the way-points use by the citizen for pathfinding!

Add a way point system a bit like journeyMap but for minecolonies.

Way-points could be pointing to Huts, Colony centre, citizens and will be created automatically.

We should be able to see a way-point when:

  • Outside the colony to indicate the colony centre;
  • Citizen when requesting something (only when player is inside the colony)
  • Huts when something need to me looked at (for instance when the chest is full)

Use different icons depending of the way-point:

  • For the colony as owner
  • For the colony as officer
  • For hut
  • For citizen

Additionally the player could set his own way points by defining:

  • its position
  • label
  • icon
  • colour
  • min range i.e. only display if we are further than the minimum range.
  • max range i.e. only display if we are closer than the maximum range.

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Out of curiosity, why not just use JourneyMap or one of the other systems that add waypoints? Is there a intent that MineColonies be played without other mods?


It would be possible to solve this via an integration with journeymap, but then we would depend on journeymap to show them and players who don't have journeymap wouldn't enjoy this.


Oh, I get it. It's not about the waypoints, it's about integration with the Minecolonies activity. You could use another mod and add a waypoint for the colony, but it won't show you where colonists are or where the border is or where other colonies are on a MP server.


Closed in favor of joint issue.