


[BUG] After updating the mod, entities stay completely still and their nametags say entity.minecolonies.citizen . After restarting the world, the colony is empty and the building hut blocks can't be interacted with

147-258-369 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Are you using the latest MineColonies Version?

  • I am running the latest alpha version of MineColonies for my Minecraft version.

Did you check on the Wiki? or ask on Discord?

  • I checked the MineColonies Wiki and made sure my issue is not covered there. Or I was sent from discord to open an issue here.

What were you playing at the time? Were you able to reproduce it in both settings?

  • Single Player
  • Multi Player

Minecraft Version


MineColonies Version


Structurize Version


Related Mods and their Versions

No response

Current Behavior

After updating the game to the latest version, all the colonists' skins reset and their nametags had their placeholder names "entity.minecolonies.citizen", I reloaded the world, and the colony was empty, and I could only make a new colony from the townhall. The game didn't register the buildings around the townhall, and that's how I got the error in the second picture. Before this, the Builder and Forester AI kept glitching; the Builder would commonly stop building, and I would have to fire them and cancel their build and reset by rehiring them and restarting their build upgrading. Even after firing and rehiring the forester, they wouldn't chop down any trees in their zone (I know the forester bug is an issue here already, but I'm saying this in case this has to do with what I just ran into) (Oh and just in case, I have dynamic trees for 1.20.1-BETA2 . I don't know if that mod's Beta has to do with the forester's problems)
2024-02-04_15 44 36
2024-02-04_16 23 43

Expected Behavior

I thought I just had to restart the world; I exited the game, restarted it and after restarting it, that's when all the colonists disappeared.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Update to the latest version of (2/4/2024)
  2. Load a world
  3. restart the game and load the world again
    2024-02-04_16 23 43



Anything else?

Here are all the logs and debug files just in case.


Got a fix building right now.


I am having the same issue with the 1.20 version. Both of my builders are entity.minecolonies.citizen so I can't get their inventories, or recall them. Also, I am having the same issue with the game saying "This block is missing its respective building, try restarting or loading a backup." I fixed the block by clicking on the block again, and it would work normally. I saw on the discord server that all I have to do is put in a command and back up the colony but I am worried all my colony will go back to level one.


Please don't revive old issues. Make a new issue with a log please.