1.12.2 - MCA Villager Right click menu functions fail while running alongside Mystcraft
WilliamBlaze opened this issue ยท 2 comments
As of recently; i've discovered that all villager interactions provided by Minecraft Comes Alive no longer function correctly while in in use with the mod Mystcraft (mystcraft-1.12.2- for 1.12.2)
I've never notice MCA to have this sort of failure with other mods that add villagers or new trades to existing villagers, but now this seems to be the case when used alongside the current version of mystcraft
I've already contacted the discord channel for the mystcraft mod for support on trying to fix this issue but i figured i'd put a notice in over here on MCA's end as well because to my understanding MCA's Villager interactions are suppose to function reguardless of other mods that add new villagers and or new villager trades (past experience with mods such as Actually Additions for example have proven that MCA still functions as intended along side other mods that add extra villager trades)
I figured if the folks on Mystcraft's end can't figure it out exactly what their mod is doing that's causing MCA right click menu interactions to not function at all, then perhaps the someone on this end might be able to share some insight as to what exactly would cause this malfunction to MCA's features.
(Well; that or possibly an update for MCA that adds an option added to MCA's configuration files to prioritize MCA standard functions over other features from other mods that might conflict with MCA's functionality. i might be mistaken but i thought such a feature was already within MCA.)
turns out its more complicated then that, as all versions of mystcraft for minecraft 12.2 have the same effect as listed above when used along side MCA