I think the villagers' AI fails, because they don't follow me.
Daikiro1 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Hello, I have a problem, when I select the villager option to follow me because it does not, it stays there to do its thing and it seems as if it was in the "move freely" option. The villager ignores me, also when I send him to his house he does not leave and he walks freely. Also it is not possible to trade with the villagers, the option does not appear. I think there is a glitch with your AI or something. Please hope you can help me.
Version mod 6.0.0 - 6.1.0
Me pasa exactamente lo mismo, los npc no me siguen, no hacen nada.
tengo la version 6.1.0 de la forge 1.12.2