Profession.Villager Bug
KleberCraft opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi I was playing and for some time this has been happening to me, sometimes in villages, there are some villagers who are not without a profession, so far so good, but instead of them simply being written "name, the villager" appears "name, profession .villager "and when there are any of these in the village I can’t get close to it which is very laggy, it also happens with a so-called" profession.Warrior "and the only solution is to have the book to change the character and change the profession
Steps to reproduce:
In my case it is just simply to find a village that usually has one of those there, or also to have children with some villager, from what I saw, mix player with villager from "profession.villager"
Minecraft Information
- Minecraft version: 1.7.10
- Forge version:
- MCA version: 5.2.2
- Laucher: Tlaucher
List of Mods:
-Damage indicators
-Lucky block
-Security Craft
-Adventure backpack
-Aether 2
-Applied energistics 2
-Battle towers
-Better Builders Wands
-Biomes O'plenty
-Build craft
-Calendar mod
-Candy Craft
-Chocolate quest
-Code chicken Core
-Decocraft 2
-Dimensional Doors
-Doom Like Dungeons
-Food Plus
-Galacti Craft
-Gilded games util
-IChun util
-Industrial Craft 2
-Journey map
-Malisis doors
-Malisis core
-Micdoodle Core
More Planets
-Furniture Mod
-Pam's harvest craft
-Portal gun
-Radix core
-Rail craft
-Runic Dungeons
-Skin cape
-Twilinght forest
now look at the FPS of each image