Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)

Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)


[1.5.2] Baby is not growing into a child

ThePwnd opened this issue ยท 4 comments


So firstly, I realize that I'm running this on a wayyy backdated version of Minecraft so I know that puts me at the bottom of the priority list, but I'm not asking anyone to fix this because I realize there are more pressing issues like, keeping the mod up to date. I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this problem before and would maybe have some solutions/ideas.

As in the description I'm playing Minecraft 1.5.2, Forge, and MCA v3.5.4. I married an NPC villager, had a baby, and I've been waiting a good half an hour but I'm not getting notified that its ready to grow into a child. I've also tried right-clicking him on the ground about a dozen times throughout this half hour but nothing is happening. The default is 10 minutes for this process to occur, and I've double checked my config file to ensure I didn't change the value and just forget, and no, I haven't. I thought maybe I wandered too far away and unloaded the chunks where the baby was (I left it in my NPC wife's inventory), so I stood next to her for two full day cycles and still nothing has happened. I've also transferred the baby to my inventory and waited an equal amount of time and still nothing. Am I missing something?

If anyone has any idea what's wrong or could think of a workaround I would really appreciate it.

P.S. I am playing with A TON of mods, so if there are any known incompatibilities I'm unaware of, let me know.


I believe I may have the same issue however, in config, I do not have a MCA file only a file 'MCA.cfg'. Any ideas?


This issue is for Minecraft 1.5.2 only. Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 are the only supported versions right now.


UPDATE: Just found a work around. Lol, yeah so that was extremely fast, but hopefully if anyone else has this issue they'll be able to fix it now and keep playing 1.5.2 (If anyone even still is).

Discovery: Upon further inspection into my config files, I found that in the WorldProps file (located at config\MCA\Worlds\ [world name] \ [player name]), there is a value there titled "minutesBabyExisted," and for some reason, it was only equal to 4. Strangely enough the time/date for last modification was 12 hours before I last logged into Minecraft, and upon restarting Minecraft, it updated the time/date stamp, but the value only changed to 5.

Solution: Fortunately, this was a very simple fix. All I had to do was save and quit my world, change the value to 11, save the file, reopen my world and I was greeted with the message "Your baby is ready to grow up."

Even better, assuming the config files haven't changed too much since this version of MCA, this fix could also be applied to any future problems with getting babies or children to grow up. Hope this helps someone! =)


This is actually the correct workaround when this happens. It still works in newer versions, but newer versions do not suffer from this bug. :)