Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)

Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)


Add Monarch System

WildBamaBoy opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Well... Maybe not the all villagers in a certain radius become peasants. Maybe the radius could be configurable. And, if you're in creative, maybe you can just automatically have the monarch ability via the crystal ball, getting a coronation crown from the creative inventory, or something like that. Everything else is fine, I'm looking forward to this more than anything! DemonicIntent, you're a genius.

Also, question, will a player have to rule a kingdom for you to go to war with them, or can villagers be rulers, too?


@DRULES679 That would be more of a story-progression add-on maybe, that could be disabled by default but enabled by the player if they want to.


Very great idea!


MCA is turning into Millenaire, :).


I can't wait for the big update of MCA!


@DemoniIntent, I was about to say that, how it there could be a setting to put it on classic monarch mode, which makes the monarch system act like the pre-5.0 updates. Make even a configuration that will, if you're configuring it from in-game, will open up a configuration menu to change specific things.
All in all, all those ideas are great. I'm looking forward to this update!


@DemonicIntent Just asking for the single player people, btw.

IDEA: What if when you won a war, your could choose options for what your reward would be.

  • Conquer the loser (their village is now owned by/a part of yours)
  • Opponent isn't aloud to attack you or your village in anyway but you can attack them/their village,
  • Ally them (the winner and loser don't attack eachother, can support one another when one is at war, can extend into a large group using ally documents)
  • The enemy pays you a fine
  • No reward(s?)... (etc)

When is this set to be released?


Moved somewhere secret...


Sorry if this is necroposting, but what ever happened to this update? its been 3 years and this monarchy update still hasn't happened.


Monarch System:

  • No More Just Crafting!
    • You can still craft the Monarch Outfit & Crown
    • Added in Different Types of Crowns
  • Decoration: Monarch Outfit & Crown
  • Coronation Crown
    To Become King:
  • Event/Action: Earn X Amount of Respect from doing "quests/chores" for the townspeople.
    • After earning X Amount, talk to a priest
    • If you have the "ability" you may take coronation to become King/Queen
      • Choose a Kingdom Name
  • After becoming King, villagers within X Radius become peasants/Knights
    • Other Villagers will have to be asked to join your Kingdom
      On a Server:
  • Villagers of different Kingdoms can do war with each other.
    • Wars can be setup with "Documents"
    • By creating a "Document of War" and giving to another player.
    • If player accepts the war (Right-Clicks with Document) villagers will fight with each other on sight
    • If Player refuses the war, drops the document. The creator of the War Document will be seen as an enemy
    • Only attacked if they enter the town. UNLESS v
      • Player who denies the "Document of War" gives the sender a "Document of Peace"
      • If Sender accepts it, ties with the two are neutral
    • By Creating a "Document of Trade" two kingdoms can become Allies, in which will help each other.
    • By fighting their Allies Enemies, or by doing trade of goods.
      Not on A Server, but want to do war:
  • Random Kingdoms start cropping up NPC ran, some good/bad/neutral.
    • Kingdoms start cropping up 1-2 Hours of the player starts a kingdom.
    • Kingdoms will attack/or apply for peace at random.
      This is just an idea, could be more prolonged or shortened. But I do think this will add in some game play for those whom like such things.

Oh dang... ๐Ÿ‘ for you!