Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)

Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)


Weird Speed Thing -- Villagers and Monsters Go Crazy

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


I've seen a really strange bug that happens whenever MCA villagers and hostile mobs are together -- the both go crazy, moving around at warp speed, often jumping several block ahead without any visible in between frames. I don't know if anyone else has seen it, and I don't know its no cause by conflicting with code from some other mod (MineFantasy? Damage Indicators? I don't know, but everything else I use except Bibliocraft and MCA is world-gen oriented). Anyway, its weird and hard to deal with -- and I only see it when the villager and the enemy are both present and usually fairly close together.



I'm unable to reproduce this in MCA 3.5.4 or current development code. Give the new version a try when it is available and see if it works any better for you. If it doesn't open this issue back up.


Thanks, will do.