Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)

Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)


[1.7.2] Achivements not unlocking properly

Closed this issue ยท 3 comments


I was once playing MCA and i got some achivments and i loaded a new world, then when i checked my achivments, all the old achivments were still there! Now i can unlock omly three achivments. The charming one, getting hitched and king me. Now when i get a baby boy or girl, I won't get the achivment annoucement and for King me, when i make a guard a knight, it won't show the annoucement. Do you have any idea on how to help? Also the chat never tells me that my baby is ready to grow up...


What version of MCA are you using? Are you playing on LAN, a server, or single-player?


I am playing single player and i am using the 1.7.2 version from skydaz
