MCA Villager profession not matching trades
Giskard13 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Currently testing the mod on 1.12. I haven't found this listed anywhere else yet so I thought I would mention it. Regardless of what the MCA villagers profession is they always have one of the vanilla farmer profession variations of trades
@Setsuna6002 That would belong in a different issue, however I have found that particular problem and patched it, pending release.
I am having the same problem where the name of profession does not match and also the only professions I could trade with are shepherd, fletcher and farmer.
Another one is that whenever I try to get engaged or married, it says that I already have someone when that's not the case.
I'm using version 5.3.1 on 1.12.2 and I still have this problem. The MCA careers do not match the minecraft careers shown by HWYLA, and their trading inventories would suggest that hwyla is correct. I'm making my own village and I tried to use the Villager Generator to spawn villagers with specific professions and inventories but they immediately get overwritten by MCA and mostly set to farmers (some fishermen and shepherds but no others) regardless of what MCA says their job is.