Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)

Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)


[Conflict] Recipe conflict with Pixelmon

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments


First off i really do love this mod however the 1 and ONLY problem i had run into was that one your recipes conflicted with one for another mod i was running (pixelmon). The recipe is for the arrangers ring (MCA) and the base component for the pokeball (pixelmon). So my question is there any way for me to disable or remove the arrangers ring or even change the recipe my self? If not that's alright i will just have to run them separately on different worlds.


There isn't a way to change the recipe yourself, unfortunately. I will have to think of a way around this.



As far as I know smiths don't do much special in the game, so...

How about this: allow hiring smiths to "craft" rings and even crowns for you, so there would another way to optain then appart from crafting them yourself (although, I think it would be more expensive than crafting*). And then the recipes are not vital and an option could be disabled... they could even be disabled by default.

*: As I see it you would have to give the materials in addition to the payment for hiring, although it could also made cheaper to incentivate looking for the smith. Other items could be added this way, chainmail?

Failing that, you may consider extending the trade options to add some rings (athough it wont be that good for crowns as it wont fit well with the concept of the mod to become king by buying a crown).


cool thanks because i would really like to use the two mods in tandem because i think they go vary well with each other.


Hmm... @hippie000000 it may be worth to say that I'm not directectly involved in the development of MCA. @WildBamaBoy is yet to say if this is the way forward or not.

[As a side note: I'm willing to collaborate]