![MCA Reborn [Fabric/Forge]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1008/780/256/256/638531792918357805.jpg)
Difficulty disabling snoring / Horrifying snore sound when villagers sleep
SinSefia opened this issue ยท 1 comments
As it turns out, the most annoying, grotesque and terrifying nonstop noise I thought it was the sound of a massive creature from one of the horror mods is actually emanating from sleeping MCA Reborn villagers and I'm not sure if that's a relief. Now I just can't seem to find the option to specifically disable or lower the volume of this deafening cacophony at night so its actually making Minecraft villagers worse, not better. Please help. Is the option in the config file?
Currently, it's a choice between developing hearing loss, and muting / turning off the game / removing the mod.