MCA Reborn [Fabric/Forge]

MCA Reborn [Fabric/Forge]


Greeting Issues

Tohricat opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Whenever I greet certain villagers (most of them), I get only one response when there are clearly more available in the en_us.json file. The only responses I seem to be getting are "Hey. How are you doing today?" and when I select either 'I'm Good' or 'I'm Good, How are you?' I will get the same response every time: "That's good, glad to hear!'. This is odd, as in the en_us.json file for dialogue, there are multiple options that should be randomly selected from each time, rather than just this one line. It's quite immersion-breaking. It may also be occuring in other areas of dialogue, however I have not checked.

Additionally, greeting can be spammed for easy unlimited hearts.


Please ignore haha - I didn't realise the en_us file on GitHub had more content than the release on CurseForge. Thanks for the mod!