![MCA Reborn [Fabric/Forge]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1008/780/256/256/638531792918357805.jpg)
None of the Villagers have jobs
Blazie4ever opened this issue ยท 12 comments
I just started a new world in the 1.19 update. I've been to three different villages and none of the villagers have jobs other than a few guard villagers. I've tried to get them to have a job by placing more of the job items around such as lecturns, furnaces, etc as well as telling them that they are to work by them but it's been a few minecraft days and still none of the villagers have jobs. I started a second world and am still having the same issue.
Same here.
For some reason the villagers wont assign themselves any jobs. I am using [Fabric 1.19] MCA Reborn - 7.3.3+1.19 and it has been roughly a week or two in game. the village has 6 villagers and the only job assigned is a guard. Village has no nitwits and started with a Stone-cutter, a Cartographer table, multiple compost bins, and i built a lectern along with a smithing table but nobody has taken any jobs. Seed is 769384246496236499 and i was at the nearest Savanna Village at X 165 Z 765.
has anyone else had this issue by chance?
Mods i am using are
- AdditionalAdditions-5.0.1
- architectury-5.7.27-fabric
- exlinecopperequipment-fabric-1.19-v2.0.3
- fabric-api-0.56.1+1.19
- iris-mc1.19-1.2.5
- minecraft-comes-alive-7.3.2+1.19-fabric
- modmenu-4.0.0
- sodium-fabric-mc1.19-0.4.2+build.16
made a new game removing the other mods to avoid and conflicts and i was having the same issue were the villagers wont assign themselves any jobs.
I can confirm I am also having this issue. 1.19, forge, none of the villagers can get jobs unless I go into the villager editor and manually assign them to guard or something. I still can't get them to become any normal villager job even though there are valid buildings and job blocks in the village. This village has a population of 11 and no nitwits. I tried things in a different, brand new world and still had the same issue.
edit: I also can't get the "average of 20 hearts" rank upgrade even though I have 20+ hearts with every villager. I wonder if this might somehow be oddly related?
Having the same issue. Did the same as Animartin4000 and confirmed it happens with just MCA and it's requirements.
- No jobs except for the guards,
- Villagers won't take a job at a new job site or when instructed to reset their work location,
- "Average 20 hearts" doesn't seem to actually use an average of all villager's hearts level, but instead seems to check Rank, which isn't clearly defined.
same issue here, temp fix ive done is add everything i need to a wondering trader via command blocks
I'm having that same issue too, I need emeralds for a project but I can't get any because they're not taking jobs
Can confirm this as well. No guard villagers, but I do find the occasional nitwit.
Yeah it seems to be the case on my end as well. I'm on Fabric 1.19 with version 7.3.4.