MCA Reborn [Fabric/Forge]

MCA Reborn [Fabric/Forge]


Suggestion: More AIs for children

pantsguyapp opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Vanilla baby villagers have the hide and seek and bed bouncing AI, can MCA villagers have something in similarity? Where big children will play with each others and chase one another.


Since baby animals follow their adults, I think another AI for children would be to sneak up on adults to see what they are doing, this can last an emtire day, or until the children found something more interesting. Also, because players are an adult, children would follow the players as well, and may get themselves too far awau from the village and get lost, this is why this is a config option. Ik we already have the following option when it comes to MCA villagers but I want the child to follow other villagers and not just players.